Friday 11 March 2011

Finally blogging!

Well, 11/03/2011....what a day!
Waking up in the morning it seemed like yet another perfectly normal a.k.a boring day! But today it was that a realization happened in my mostly dumb and sleepy head. I was sitting at my college dome,waiting for a few friends to come over, when I thought "Why am I here?" It has been 19 long years since I came into this world and 2 long years in techo and it seems like ages since I have been sitting at the dome or nescafe or koko(i hope its spelled correctly :P).
To be honest, I am not sure whether this place has brought a positive or negative change in me. But it definitely has brought a transition. I'm no more the studious girl I used to be. It has taught me how to take the worst kind of jokes on myself,something i used to find very difficult to digest. It has given me many many acquaintances, a few friends, and a whole lot of disguised people to know. It has also given me "Footprints",the only part of my college life which I enjoy. Well for all of you who don't know what Footprints is-its a national level technical fiesta....hey wait a minute I'm not here to propagate it.
Recently my dearest di got married and that was when I realized my loneliness.Damn, I was so very dependent on her.And now, with people around talking about careers I feel so out of the place! I don't even know whom to turn on to for advice and why should I take advice from someone about what I should be doing the rest of my life?
So I decided to do something different,something new and something which would probably help me pour out my thoughts and give my sorted and more organized mind. But I definitely could not talk about it to anyone or else people would probably become sure about my craziness which they often gossip about.
Hence,I thought what better way than penning it down in a diary!! You know the ones they write about in novels.(PS-I am addicted to reading books except the ones related to engineering) and then something inside me told me "Nah, grow up, you're not even a teenager anymore". My bad :( :(
But then its a world of technology and not to forget "Blogging". So here I am with my very first post in my very own blog(something I can finally call my own and not be afraid of it hurting me or ditching me for some other blog,unless a virus enters ofcourse!! See there are pros and cons even in blogging!!God save us)
So if anyone has really bothered and taken the pains to read this awfully long note and has survived till the end of it, well thank you very much. And for the rest of them who haven't well God has definitely blessed by saving you the trouble!
So, I'm gonna go and have my afternoon nap,something I have been missing out since long.
Take care people and don't forget to live in the struggle for "survival of the fittest". :) :)
As bryan adams puts it
"On a day like today,the whole world could change.."


  1. lovely..u r growing up advice..just do more 'formatting of the blog'. Content is very good and so are your writing skills; there is some depth to it..:)

  2. thanks sanjana :) u are my very first reader n commenter!

  3. good one...nice blog...your first one but found it very interesting to read...continue blogging!

  4. Thanks rejoice! thank you for reading it n commenting!
    Keep reading it and do give me suggestions for improvements!

  5. yup seriously just loved reading it....

  6. its 12:31 noon 05/07/2017
    I am witnessing a picture from your past
